Moisture Mapping A Guide to Understanding Wood Moisture Content

What is Moisture Mapping?

Moisture Mapping involves measuring the moisture content of wood to determine its suitability for various applications. It is a crucial aspect of wood preservation, construction, and manufacturing.

Wood Moisture Content and Moisture Mapping

Wood Moisture Content (WMC) refers to the amount of water present in wood, expressed as a percentage of its oven-dried weight. An ideal WMC is essential for optimal performance and durability of wood products. Moisture Mapping aids in determining the optimal WMC for specific applications.

Ideal Moisture Content for Firewood

Firewood with an ideal moisture content burns efficiently, producing optimal heat and less smoke. Typically, a WMC of 15-20% is considered ideal for firewood.

Drying wood to achieve the desired WMC can be achieved by stacking it properly in a ventilated area. Moisture Mapping allows for precise monitoring of the drying process, ensuring the firewood reaches the ideal moisture level.